Community Groups

Monthly Leader Guide

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Monthly Practice:


Mar 31
April 28, 2024


Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe.
Hebrews 12:28

Worship is an attitude and expression of reverence and adoration toward God.

Worship secures our attitudes, perspectives, and hopes in the character and promises of God. We celebrate and express gratitude for what God has done, and honor him for who he is. As we do, we are able to see him clearly and live in his love and favor.

We worship through rembrance and celebration, gratitude and contentment,

Weekly Guides

Week 1


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. This is intended to give you context for the week. You can choose whether or not to read this in group as a summary/refresher after watching the video.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: We worship through remembrance and celebration.

  • God’s past faithfulness and mercy helps us trust in his character and follow his word today.
  • Remembering what God has already done helps us surrender to his plan and timing for our future.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • WATCH the overview video together, then engage in discussion.
  • REVIEW the video and Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • ASK: What are some of your most memorable moments with God?
  • Spend time celebrating each other’s stories and encouraging one another from what everyone has shared. Even something as simple as, "I'm thankful for what you shared and for how God has worked in your life," can be significant!
  • ASK: What specific worries do you have about your future? How does hearing the group’s celebration of God’s goodness affect your perspective on those things?
  • PRAY together, simply spending time thanking God for what he has done and celebrating who he is.
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

The Old Testament recounts many stories of individuals building altars (physical structures that they could visit and focus on) to remind themselves of a significant moment with God. Identify a significant moment in your walk with God, and come up with your own kind of “altar:” some way to remind you of that moment, and help you celebrate that experience of God’s faithfulness in your life. Some examples of this would be:

  • An annual calendar reminder for a significant date
  • A framed picture of a meaningful event, place, or relationship
  • A note or phrase on an index card, kept in a frequented location or as a bookmark in your Bible
  • Scheduling a trip to revisit the location of your experience

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 2


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. This is intended to give you context for the week. You can choose whether or not to read this in group as a summary/refresher after watching the video.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: We worship through gratitude and contentment.

  • We learn peace by practicing thanksgiving.
  • Gratitude isn’t an emotion you feel; it’s an exercise you choose to do.
  • The way into God’s presence is through thanksgiving and praise.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • DISCUSS the previous week's individual practice. What did you set up to remind yourself of God’s goodness?
  • WATCH the overview video together.
  • REVIEW the video and Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • READ James 1:2-4 out loud together. How does this verse affect you today?
  • ASK: What about your current struggles or challenges can you be thankful for? How could God be working redemptively through your present difficulties?
  • Take a few minutes for each group member to write down ten things they are grateful for. Then, take turns reading the list out loud, giving a bit of explanation for why you feel thankful for it today.
  • PRAY together, worshiping God for all ways he is blessing each other’s lives.
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Identify one want or unmet desire that you have currently. Then, pray this prayer each day this week:

    Father, in you, I have all that I need. I am satisfied in you today. I specifically present to you [your unmet desire] and declare that even without it, you are enough for me. I also confess that I have not felt fully content without [your unmet desire]. Jesus, help me to see the Father more clearly. Holy Spirit, grant to me to your contentment and peace. Thank you, God, for all you have done and all you are doing. Your grace is sufficient for me. Amen.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 3


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. This is intended to give you context for the week. You can choose whether or not to read this in group as a summary/refresher after watching the video.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: We worship through honor and joy.

  • God is always deserving of our praise.
  • We can’t receive from someone we refuse to acknowledge.
  • When we give God what he deserves, we see him more clearly and receive his joy.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes
(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes
Group practice - do this together in Group

  • DISCUSS the previous week's individual practice. Did you experience any heart change as you prayed throughout the week?
  • WATCH the overview video together.
  • REVIEW the video Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • READ Psalm 19 out loud together. You can say it together, or take turns reading a few verses each.
  • DISCUSS what parts of Psalm 19 stand out the most to you and why.
  • ASK: What other aspects or characteristics of God are most meaningful and inspiring to you in your current season of life?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Spend at least 5-10 minutes each day worshiping along with some of your favorite worship songs. Write down one phrase or lyric from the songs you listen to that honors God. Over the course of the week, you will have compiled your own worship prayer that you can pray through on a regular basis!

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 4


  • Decide in advance what you will do this week for the Group Practice. This can be anything that builds community and relationships. If your group missed a week, you can also use this week to make up for previous content.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Time - 40 Minutes

  • REVIEW the previous week’s individual practice. Try to share your memorized verse with the group!
  • In addition to the usual connection time and sermon review, use this week’s meeting to foster community and deepen relationships.
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Pray - 10 Minutes


Memory Verse

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”

Romans 12:1

Definition Sermons


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